Leonor Zozaya-Montes*
IATEXT, ULPGC (Spain) & CHSC, UC (Portugal)
Scientific Committee (papers and publishing)
Rosamond McKitterick
University of Cambridge (UK)
Maria José Azevedo Santos
University of Coimbra (Portugal), CHSC & Portuguese Academy of History (APH)
Paul Bertrand
Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), Director of MCCD
Manuel Romero Tallafigo
University of Seville (Spain)
Concepción Mendo Carmona
Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) & Director of Scrinium
Saul Gomes
University of Coimbra (Portugal), CHSC & APH
Gregorio Rodríguez Herrera
ULPGC & Director of the IATEXT
Manuel Ramírez Sánchez*
ULPGC, IATEXT & General Director of Universities (Canarias Government, Spain)
Alicia Rodríguez Álvarez*
María Victoria Domínguez Rodríguez*
Nelson Vaquinhas (publishing scientific committee)
CIDHEUS, Universidade de Évora
David Peterson (publishing scientific committee)
Profesor (PCD), Universidad de Burgos
Leonor Zozaya-Montes*
IATEXT, ULPGC (Spain) & CHSC, UC (Portugal)
* Member of the Research Project “Archives, documents and memory from the Medieval to the Contemporary Era. From text generation, transmission and preservation to the dissemination of information”, Ref. No. ULPGCP2018-20 (ULPGC Research Grants Program, Call 2018), Main Research: Leonor Zozaya.